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Kelsey Laura Lema Graywill

My life so far has been guided by a never-ending web of dichotomies: Born by the ocean and raised in the mountains, brought up by a computer technician and an artist, it seems natural that I would spend my time weaving together opposites. I believe that things we see as antithetical are normally one and the same, and in pursuit of my lifelong passion of understanding what it means to be human, I've found you need a little bit of science and art. My work as a creative, researcher, and entrepreneur lives at this intersection. In carving out my own unique spaces, I endeavor to do the same for others, and hope that in making connections and serving people, I can better understand how humans live and express themselves.


Click a slice of my life, download my CV, or connect with me on LinkedIn!



University of London, Goldsmiths College

Master of Science, Classification: First Class Honors.

Received an MSc in Psychology of the Arts, Neuroaesthetics, and Creativity from what is currently the only institution in the world with a degree-granting program in neuroaesthetics, with a dissertation on empathy and the visual language of pain.


Duke University, Trinity College of Arts & Science

Bachelor of Arts, Major GPA: 3.7.

Developed an institutionally approved degree program titled Human Creativity: Evolutionary Neuroaesthetics which explored the how and why of aesthetic emergence in humans and nature, through the lens of neuroscience, biology, anthropology, and philosophy.


COVA High School

Rank 1 in 211, GPA: 4.33 (weighted), 3.98 (unweighted).

Student in the Gifted & Talented Program, and held multiple leadership positions in Student Government, National Honor Society.



Following my valedictorian speech in 2014.


Grad festivities slightly different in 2020.


Goldsmiths Psychology Department
Duke Global Neurosurgery & Neuroscience
Health Humanities Lab
Jordanian Red Crescent
Duke Neurosurgery
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (Duke Chapter)


With a knack for arts and crafts as a kid, I enjoyed sculpting miniatures inspired by food. At the same time, my family was reliant foodbanks while I was in high school, which led me to start selling my food-themed miniatures and jewelry and donating some of the profits to foodbanks through what would be my first leap into entrepreneurship: The Starving Artist, which raised thousands of dollars for local community resource centers and foodbanks.

A lover of card and board games, I created a Duke version of the popular card game "Cards Against Humanity" in the spring of 2016. I printed the cards for the new game, dubbed Cranes Assist Humility, myself and calibrated a paper cutter to chop each sheet of cards, and packaged each deck all from my dorm room. The game became popular with students and alumni alike.

Read more:


I started making my coloring books in my dorm room to help me study, and after receiving a Melissa & Doug Entrepreneurship grant, launched a series of fun, engaging coloring books as tools for learning: The Language Coloring Book for foreign language acquisition in 8 different languages, Brainability for cognitive training, and The Art Clinic to promote health literacy. The Kickstarter project funding goal was met in under 24 hours and reached 325% of its goal. 


After growing a following of over 30k followers across TikTok, Youtube, Pinterest, and beyond by creating content around the creation of my fantasy webcomic, I developed a series of worldbuilding and storytelling resources for other fantasy creators: writers, artists, game designers, and RPGers alike. In 2024, 60+ backers pledged over $3,000 to fund the creation of The Worldbuilding Starter Pack, my second successful Kickstarter.

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In 2018, Duke University established the Graywill Arts Leadership & Service Award. Every year starting in 2019, one or two graduating senior(s) from any major or arts discipline will be presented the Graywill Award for $1,000 at the annual Arts Award Ceremony. The award is endowed by the Duke University Union. I am not involved with award selection, and every year I am blown away by the incredibly accomplished and talented students who are selected.

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Me (right) with Rebekah (left), first ever recipient!

Leadership Honors & Awards



I am a self-taught artist with interests spanning many mediums. Whether through acrylic painting, portrait photography, or piano composition, I have always enjoyed expressing myself creatively and hope that I can help others do the same. 



I started learning how to ride a bike in 2022 after moving back to Durham, NC. Having never owned a car, it became my primary form of transit and completely transformed my lifestyle. I quickly became an advocate for cycling as means of recreation, transit, and fitness. It is a cherished part of my life and work now. 

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Dose of Durham is a monthy zine (a short, self-circulated magazine) I create about exploring Durham by bicycle. It has 45 paid subscribers and over 150 Patreon members. Through Dose of Durham, I produce an illustrated guide every month around a different theme, lead bike tours of the city and curate seasonal bike routes related to Durham's history, culture, and current events. 

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I work at Bike Durham, a local nonprofit advocating for sustainable transit and improved infrastructure for buses, bikes, and pedestrians in Durham. Starting as bike riding and safety instructor for Durham Public Schools, I eventually moved into a communications position where I more than quadrupled our reach creating engaging content for the cause. 

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In 2023 I joined a local amateur cycling team, Rescue Racing, where I particpate in regular group road rides and (in the future!) hopefully represent the team in races. I picked up road cycling as hobby after becoming a bike commuter in 2022. Prior to that, I had no cycling experience and was a life-long, self-declared coach potato with no athletic background. 


My curiosity around human evolution and behavior steered me toward the natural sciences as a student, and eventually led me to explore health sciences through a number of initiatives spanning designing curriculum for a medical humanities program, creating a film and photo documentaries on Lyme disease and women in neurosurgery, becoming a Nationally Registered EMT, interning at the International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent, and more. Today, much of my work is filtered through lens of health and healing, both individually and at a community level. 

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